
21/03/2014 17:58
I have build up a smart website,where you can submit articles...joke,songs,uniqe storys, what every. If you add your website link to the main registration, its will be shown on all article you write.. but the smart thing is,you can change this link when you want,( ex.change website you want to...
21/03/2014 13:02
Hubby took a picture of me, Cherie, today… I didn’t think there was much of a change but looking at the 2 side by side I guess there is! Down 30 pounds since July 6 inches in the waist and 5 inches in the hips… sleeping like a baby, no hot flashes, I’m off my blood pressure meds… my knees don’t...
21/03/2014 11:37
The Skinny Body Care Company has made it so easy and economical to become a distributor, that practically anyone can join.  It’s so simple!  To Join the company there is a $10 one time registration fee -added to your first order to make commissions– –you get an $8 check the first week for...
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