About me!

My name is:  Sigve Varholm           Skype name : sigve.varholm

I HAVE BEEN ONLINE SINCE 1994, and that is how many years ago( we dial up internet) ?

I am 53 year old male and "networker", "just now" 120 kilo, live in Norway / Sweden.

I work with : www.dolstein.com, drive excewators and entreprenour work/ construction.

I have been one of the lucky, who have fellow the development of internet ,change and roules.Opportunities and failing. It have been a amazing time,the time have run ver fast ,just remember when this come  MSN, hotmail, skype, tagged,facebook,twitter ..you name it.

I have also try for fun a huge of different online business and multi level marketing.It have been fun,and interesting.I have lost and gain money, most of the time it have been just for fun.

You find me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mr.varholm or search: my name : sigve varholm

Now its time to do someting news.. again:) ? will you fellow me?

The biggest risk is that you can lose weigth... so?


I have got a oportunties in Skinny Fiber loss supplyment ,cause i need to lose weigth I have choose this,cause its time to take care of the body, on my "old days"


I have fellow my friends maybe one year now, and see it in real how they, and all his customer have lost weight..


And why I shall continue to look at them, ..when I need it self? Stupid me!!


Less Calories
"High-fiber foods can also aid in weight loss. They absorb water to create a sense of being full, so you're less likely to overeat. And fiber-rich foods aren't usually as energy-dense as processed foods, meaning you can feel full on fewer calories."


So I decide to start.. just to reduce weigth,its of course my own problem .. but,I want to share it with other people who want to do the same..if there are ?

Hmm.. I think there is a huge of them.. believe me! I have see it with my own eyes!


The next part of this is:  "loose weight and gain money" program.

I can just buy it and keep quiet,but why?  When I see so many around me with to many "kilo".

So It can be fun.. to see more people do the same... and help each others!


That is the reason I have put it up to this website now..

Cause I will give you an offer..to fellow me,and maybe do the same...

First, if you want start with a "position"in the company,where you can gain money, you just order it from this link,choice one and see: 


SBC Opportunity Movie

https://Dolstein.SBCMovie.com or https://Dolstein.1GreatMovie.com

English Closed Captioned:https://Dolstein.SBCMovieCC.com

Spanish Version:https://Dolstein.PeliculaSkinny.com

Dutch Version:https://Dolstein.SkinnyMovieNL.com

Italian Version:https://Dolstein.SkinnyItalia.com

French Version:https://Dolstein.SkinnyFilm.com

Russian Version:https://Dolstein.SBCRussia.com

Hindi Version:https://Dolstein.SBCHindi.com

German Version:https://Dolstein.SBCFilm.com

Mandarin Version:https://Dolstein.SBCMandarin.com


Maybe you dont have money yet..?

Let me help you to start, write to me and ask how, on : varholm@gmail.com and explain why you want to start,and short about you, and maybe we can make a deal.




Sigve Varholm
